Need help with automating browser tests and quality?

Automate quality assurance.
Test all browsers reliably.
Free QA engineers from repitive tasks.

Some of our clients:

Quality testing automation as a service

Outsourcing QA automation

Human readable & writeable.

We use a specific human friendly language based on cucumber to write tests like user stories. No coding required to maintain tests. Easy to onboard.

Save precious dev time.

Deliver tickets faster by relying on our task force. We focus on writing browser tests, you focus on delivering value.

Less emergencies, instant alerts.

A high test coverage makes you notice bugs before they go to production. Cron jobs & alerting let you notice issues real time.

Less bug tickets, ship faster.

If you have to manage less bug tickets, you can focus on creating value. You gain velocity and can focus on making customers happy.

Outsource with low overhead

Send us user stories. We write the tests for you. Disable and enable test. Direct communication with QA preferred.

Instant support

Instant support is available in emergencies. Our engineers are battle tested and help you diagnose errors.

Outsource browser testing

Hire a dedicated task force that excels at providing fast browser tests in a structured, clean way. We support your QA engineers - just temporary or long-term.

Team talking through designsTeam in front of the computer
Team in a meeting

Set up a call

We discuss the details of what scope of browser & QA automation you have in mind.


Low overhead

You communicate a set of user stories that you want to be tested regularly or give us a free hand.


We deliver the test

We provide a repo, write the tests, and integrate within your development flows.


We onboard your QA

We train your QA engineers to maintain and extend the tests. No coding skills are required.

Sustainable testing strategy


You define the scope

We talk to your technical and product teams. We discuss what is possible, desired and give some recommendations.


We set up a repo

We set up a clean repo with the desired BDD tests, based on your user stories, your environments & browsers.


CICD integration and alerting

We integrate with your CICD pipelines. We initialize systems that monitor your environments constantly.


Maintain or onboard?

Depending on your preferences, we onboard your teams to use our framework or maintain it for you.

Quality matters. Act now!

Quality creates trust.

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